Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday at The Beach

Where else but in California can you go to the beach in February?! Ok, there's a few other places. But we're staying close to home.
(Remember I'm catching up on old times!)

Dominic was busy and after church the rest of us decided we were going to pack a lunch and head to the Marin Headlands Beach.
It was a little chilly but kids don't care right?!
One of my favorite things about the beach...beach pictures!
The kids had so much fun that day and I captured some really sweet moments that I hope I don't ever forget.
They spent lots of time playing "chicken" with the waves. 

And in just a few short days Emmy was turning 4 so I kind of used it as a 4th birthday photo shoot. 
Those curls!
Here's a few more of my Coco too...


It was a little foggy and overcast but it was still so pretty.

There's no place I love more than the beach.
Definitely my happy place!
And oh look!
I made it in a picture...!