Friday, April 1, 2011

Thirty Three!!

Nope! I'm not afraid to admit it! I have earned each and every year. And I thank the Lord for each year that He blesses me with this life.

My morning started with sleeping in till 7, coffee, and my first birthday phone call from Heidi 1t 7:15. After getting Dominic to school and Emma Kate to my parents, we took Connor with us for breakfast. It's not very often that he gets time alone with Jeff and I. He told everyone he could that it was my birthday:)

At breakfast I opened some cards that I had been receiving all week from my amazing friends from out of state.

I cannot tell you how special these ladies make me feel.

Starbucks even remembered my special day :)

After breakfast we headed next door to this cute little bakery that we had never been in and picked up some yummies for after dinner. It was all I could do to not break into these early! Jeff had suggested we go to the beach or some sort of day trip. But really I wanted to just stay local and enjoy this gorgeous weather we are having! Our lawn needed to be mowed and Connor has been BEGGING since February to open up a water table Emma Kate received for her birthday. So I sat in a lawn chair and enjoyed the kids. I also received more phone calls and birthday texts...these continued all much fun!

I heard from all of the important ladies in my life. (The most creative text was from Jaime...she sent a pix text of her 3 year old playing with birthday candles and holding one up toward the phone. So cute!) Everyone, including Libby felt like it was summer!

Later in the afternoon I left for a manicure. Recently I started getting the Shilac Manicure and I LOVE it! (Finally a manicure that is perfect for busy moms and lasts a couple of weeks!)

I picked up Dominic early from track(he called home suffering from Heat Stroke.) He was in bad shape. (Life as a mom definitely does not stop just because it's your birthday!) He was really sweet...apologizing on the way home because it was my birthday...really?!?! We got some food and fluids in well as a 20 min power nap. He was a new man when he woke up...good thing cause we had dinner reservations at 5:30! Here are the other kids ready to go. Emma Kate has been very interested in my sunglasses lately:)

Jeff had made the dinner arrangements...his parents, my parents, Scott and Harley met us at the restaurant. (Shawna had to work. Sad.) Dinner was a little crazy with all the kids.

I received some really great gifts! One of my favorites was from Connor and "Bunga." Connor drew a picture of a train...shocker! And Jeff's mom transferred it to a kitchen towel with fabric markers. Baby Harley got me a Best Buy gift card (1 out of 2) that I got to help in the, hopefully soon, purchase of a new camera!

The boys gave me new candles. (Jeff took them out shopping a couple of days ago.) It was Dominic's first year making his purchase with his own money. He came home and said to me, "Wow! Today sure made me appreciate all these years that Dad bought your birthday present for me!" They both picked pink:)

Overall it was a PERFECT day...nothing wild and earth-shattering...just relaxing and spent with the ones I love. And I owe it all to this guy...

He made it so special...from taking the day off of work to be with me, to taking care of every whim I had. He let me shower and get ready for the day without having to trip over the kids. He was game for anything I wanted to do. He got the kids down for naps, planned breakfast and dinner, and kept me smiling all day.

He purchased the perfect birthday card for me. Our life together has been a roller coaster. We have had some really fantastic times. We have had some very dark times that we sometimes didn't think we would make it through. But through it all...we have been solid. The three of us...Jeff, the Lord, and me...can get through anything. (Please remind me of this in future tough times when I am not feeling so positive of this!)

Thank you honey for sticking by me no matter what is thrown our way! And thank you for a wonderful day!

P.S. As if this all wasn't enough, the next morning I got to work, checked out the blogs that I follow, and found this post on Heidi's blog! What a birthday present!


  1. Such a great day! Sounds like a perfect birthday to me. :) Happy 33, Laura!!!

  2. I hope you saved one of those cupcakes for me?! Sounds like a great day!

  3. Connor can probably fix your blog. Kids these days know lots of tech stuff! Happy B day!

  4. Love that last pic of Jeff. So sweet. I'm glad you are had a wonderful birthday!

  5. Yay to perfect birthdays!! :)

  6. Happy (Belated) Birthday! What a wonderful birthday weekend you had! I got a shallac manicure on Friday also for my sister's wedding...i love it!
