Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School!!

Yup! That's right...another school year has begun!
But not just any school year...
For this guy.
We're talkin'
I'm not going to get all mushy about how fast the time has gone or how OLD he is.
Let's talk about...
What! What!!
Do you remember your Senior Year?
How fun it was.
How exciting.
How I turned 18 during the middle of the year and could write my own absence excuse letters.
Do you remember how scary it was to be so uncertain about your future?
Where you were headed.
What you'd do with your life.
Yes, that's all happening around here! 
The interesting thing is when I was a Senior I didn't think about how scary and exciting a time it was for my parents.
(Especially MY parents, seeing as how I was giving birth to a baby my Senior year. I digress. Sorry.)
I remember 3 years ago when Dominic was starting high school as I was talking to some moms of older kids. They told me how fast high school would go.
And I am really nervous about how quickly this year will go.
Next year at this time, he will be away at college.
Yes, tears are welling up in my eyes right now!
Anyway, here's the scoop...
Not sure where he's going to apply for college.
Narrowing it down to private schools in CA, OR, or WA.
Wants to major in PoliSci and minor in Bible.
Has maintained a 4.33 GPA even through his Junior Year.
Praying for many scholarships.
But as for now, he has a pretty busy schedule.
He's still working at Krispy Kreme one day a week.
Involved in Youth Ministry and Leadership at church.
Part of "Be The Change" club at school.
And taking this load this year...
AP Gov/AP Economics.
(Has the best Gov teacher EVER...sounds a lot like "Throck," my Gov teacher in high school.)
AP French IV
AP Psych
English IV
AP Calculus
Can we say...CRAZY?!?!
So proud of him!
Just for kicks I took a minute to find a picture of him as he started high school. A little Freshman...! 
Let's back up a few years and talk about 2nd Grade...!
Here's another big boy!
Connor is a reading maniac and loves school.
I was pleasantly surprised on his first day to find out that his teacher was a former client of mine at the bank!
He took a sigh of relief when I leaned over and whispered in his ear,
"You're gonna love her!" 
Coco is starting Taekwondo back up again this Fall as a Blue Belt.
Playing Soccer for the first time.
And continuing with Cub Scouts.
This little man keeps me the busiest of all three. 
And since I pulled a pic of Dom 3 years ago, I thought I'd pull one of my Coco too.
Starting Pre-K.
4 years old. 
As much as I loved our Summer this year, it's been nice getting back into a sort of routine.
There's something magical about a new school year.
Emmy's my last one to start.
This year she's off to Pre-School.


  1. I have no idea how any of this is possible.

  2. Dom stands just like his Uncle Scott.

  3. So exciting!! Hooray for Senior year!

  4. Wow...Senior Year! So exciting!! And yay for 2nd Grade and Pre-School too!!

  5. So proud of Dom-- God has so blessed you guys with such an awesome kid. Can't wait to watch him succeed as an adult. :)
